

Pre-litigation phase

Alignment between legal strategy and technical possibilities.

Assessment of documents and information available and the ERP system to support technical evidence.

Collection, processing, and analysis of data to assess risks.


Allegations phase

Elaboração de Laudo Pericial Extrajudicial para subsidiar petições iniciais, contestação ou réplica.

Elaboração de Pareceres Contábeis para subsidiar alegações especificas.


Evidentiary phase

Assistance in formulating technical questions (interrogatories).

Monitoring of the judge/arbitrator´s expert work.

Preparation of Expert Accounting, Economic, and Financial Opinions.

Expert testimony in arbitration hearings.


Appellate phase

Elaboração de Parecer Contábil, Econômico e Financeiro para contrapor trabalhos realizados na fase de instrução.


Support to C Level, Board and Governance bodies

Composing Investigation Committees as defined by the CTA-30 regulation.

Assisting Audit Committees, Investigation Committees, Compliance Attorneys, and investigation teams in liaising with Independent Audit and Shadow Investigation teams to expedite the process of Financial Statements issuance or addressing topics related to corporate disputes.

Supporting Management and Internal Risk & Control Areas, Compliance, Advisory Committees, and Boards of Directors in the implementation, assessment, and improvement of integrity programs, LGPD (General Data Protection Law), risk management, internal controls, and internal auditing.