Welcome to get to know Dispute & Forensic Experts Advisory – DFEXA. In Brazilian Portuguese we expect to be called “Defesa” in a way of saying that simplify what seems complex is what we enjoy doing the most.

Marcelo Alcides Carvalho Gomes and Julianne Godoy embark on a journey in 2024 to make DFEXA a qualified reference in the field of litigation support and non-compliance situations in Compliance. With 30 years of experience in Forensic Accounting, Compliance, and Accounting Consultancy, these two professionals have the main credentials to offer a service of excellence, independence, and impartiality to their clients, Boards of Directors, Audit Committees, and to assist the highest level of the Judiciary and different Arbitration Chambers in Brazil and abroad.

The leadership of DFEXA’s projects will rely on highly qualified professionals, whenever possible with master’s and doctoral degrees in their academic background or with proven experience in conflict resolution. Our support team will be prepared and updated with the necessary technology tools to execute projects in the most innovative and cost-effective way. Each new project will be tailor-made to achieve the expected results.

We are eager to collaborate with the most qualified arbitrators, legal directors, advisors, and law firms. Get in touch to learn more about how DFEXA can add value to your projects and demands.

Together, we will overcome challenges and achieve exceptional results!

Mission and Values


Analyse data and information based on legal allegations and evidence, actively contributing to the resolution of non-compliance incidents and conflicts in judicial and arbitral disputes involving accounting, economic, and financial issues.


Dedication to the clients’ and their attorneys´ demands.